Welcome to Access International Patent

获得国际专利 (AIP) is an international law firm with over 20 years of experience assisting its clients’ intellectual property in the Indonesia and abroad. With offices in Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya and Medan, we serve clients across the country and throughout the world.

我们全面的全球知识产权法律知识, 我们认为有利于个性化的服务并关闭律师 - 客户关系大小适中, 我们竭诚为客户服务一直保持我们在行业的前列,近 20 岁月.


  • 建议有关专利的国家和国际注册, 商标, 版权及设计.
  • 进行新颖性和侵权, 专利搜索, 商标, 版权及设计.
  • 准备, 文件和起诉国家和国际专利, 商标, 版权及设计应用
  • 捍卫我们的客户的权利不受第三方异议的知识产权
  • 助攻与市场进入一个由第三方寻求知识产权保护的专利, 商标, 版权及可能威胁到我们的客户的利益设计
  • 负责管理专利的维护和更新, 商标, 版权和外观设计为我们的客户

Indonesia representing developing countries with amount of big resident with result of natural resources and wide of archipelago region represent very potential State for the development of intellectual property business.

With database support and reliable computerization system of Access International Patent (AIP) ready to compete and give best service in Indonesia and prove that Access International Patent (AIP) leading in intellectual property services.

Reasonable Prices for Highest Quality

该小组在访问国际专利 (AIP) 评论你的答案的完整性, 错误, 和显著问题. 我们不使用自动编程来填补你的答案为预先制成表格. 我们的质量标准,因此在文档中反映您的特定需求. 我们有信心,你会发现我们的法律服务高效, 友好, 和价格的权利.


With Motto “LEADING THE COUNTRY IN IP SOLUTION” Making Access International Patent (AIP) hold as proper Intellectual Property Consultant become your partner in Indonesia.